Here are the group assignments for the
consensus sessions. If you're not in a group yet, let me know as soon as possible so we can get you in one. Click on the Topic Heading for links to more info on your topic.
Death Penalty (April 7th)-Group #1 (Pojman & Reiman articles): Elissa, Glenn, Justin, Michael
-Group #2 (Primoratz & Nathanson articles): Allison, Danielle, Jennifer
Pornography (April 14th)-Group #1 (Longino article): Amanda, Carly, Erica, Joseph, Susan
-Group #2 (Wicclair article): Iryna, Lauren, Stephanie R.
Charity (April 21st)-Group #1 (Singer article): Kelly, Kim, Nicole, Tiffany
-Group #2 (Hardin article): Emily M., Emily S., Katie, Steph D.
Drugs (April 28th)-Group #1 (Nadelmann article): Irene, Megan, Samar
-Group #2 (Wilson article): Amber, Ann, Jess